Workers Comp Class Code & Rate Lookup

Washington Temp. Help - Field Technical Services (7110) Class


Class Code


Temp. Help - Field Technical Services (7110)


7110-00 Temporary staffing services: Field engineer and field technician services; parking lot attendants, N.O.C.

     This classification applies to employees of a temporary staffing company who are assigned on a temporary basis to a client customer and who are engaged in duties away from the customers' premises and who are providing field engineering, field technician services, traffic counters, and surveying services, telephone installation and service within buildings, vending machine service, and to parking lot or garage attendants, weigh scale attendants, and service station attendants (other than mechanics). This classification also includes employees of a temporary staffing company assigned to a client company to wash or detail rental cars, provide lot services such as moving cars or checking rental agreements and drivers who move rental or customer cars from one lot to another.

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