New for 2019, Insurance Xdate has sourced group health and retirement data for contact information in its Workers Comp databases. Any time you see an ‘Admin‘ contact, it has been sourced from these 5500 data sets. Standardized, regulated, and regularly updated they have quickly proven to be a reliable bolster to our contact data. Note that admin means they are the Plan Administrator for the company’s benefits, typically an owner, C-level exec, or partner.
You’ll also see a year on that contact, which represents the year of the plan. Plan administrators do change, and we’ll maintain that history so you have those names to mention in your coldest of calls…
You: Hi, Melissa Lesley please.O: She was fired a month ago, for embezzlementY: Oh, yeah she sounded distracted last time we talked, I mentioned that to Mike or Dave around?O: This is Dave..(sighs) what do you want?Y: Your Commercial Insurance renewal.O: I’ll put you through to Mike..

Since Melissa’s info will remain in our database for a while, you can now DOWN-VOTE her and/or UP-VOTE Michael and Dave.
Carrier’s are now color-coded in the Carrier History section so you can quickly tell if the prospect changed to a different market or if it was a tier (underwriting co) change.

The LCM Heat Map is a historical look at the prospect’s LCM/rate history compared to all it’s peers within that class of business and put into a compelling visual graph that can be shared with the prospect