Click on the link below to download our list of 100 ‘essential’ class codes. There are a couple notes to make –
Column A are industry descriptions, made available by Gov. Tom Wolf (via of PA. Column B indicates whether or not these businesses can operate, and the remaining fields have been mapped from our database so you can make use of it. Our description, SIC, WC Class Code, and industry group so you can sort for what you’re looking for, make your list, and hit the phones.
DISCLAIMER: this is not a comprehensive list of essential businesses, nor does it mean all industries included in this list are deemed essential in your state. Essential/Non is determined by each state. It does tend to be in retail though. PA has closed all liquor stores, for example, whereas DE has considered them…essential. (score!)
Update: Note that HVAC is listed for emergency only.
100 Essential Class Codes
After that check out our Class Code tools where you’ll find GL Code cross-referencing, enhanced descriptions, and market reports on volume, rate filings and changes.