OSHA Report
This was a total overhaul. Inspection info will display to the left. If the inspection has associated violations you will see them listed to the right.
The standard violated has been brought to the top for quicker reference and all violation info is now viewable without vertical scrolling.
A full write up is available in the KB, which sheds light on the not so obvious (like what gravity means).
Carrier Report
This was also a total overhaul. At a minimum each state will have visibility of a Carrier’s (group) performance, which shows renewal volume over time (monthly and annual trends) at the industry level. This is very helpful for identifying weakness in a particular industry (i.e. they have a net gain of accounts, but went negative in ‘x’ industry. It also includes a win/loss comparison to peers.
If your state has Premium, LCM filings, etc. – there are sections that dissect these areas too. Check it out here.
URL/Profile Link Editing
Enough of you asked about it, so here you go. This can be done the same as editing or adding a contact. Check out this article to see how it works.
Class Code Lookup
The individual class pages have been updated with more in-depth descriptions of operations. So if you’re wondering if Steam Pipe Insulating is actually classed as plumbing (it is), or if trenching work performed by the same (plumbing) contractor is contemplated in the class (it is), check it out.