Specialized Bicycle Components Holdings, Inc. is based in Santa Clara county in California. They operate in the Manufacturing industry, specifically in Motorcycles Bicycles and Parts, which is a low risk industry. It is worth putting effort into risk management to be able to leave the Assigned Risk pool.
Having been with their current carrier for only one year, they are either a new company, or a new listing in our database. We see commercial coverage for them in 23 states including Alabama, California, Illinois, Maine, Nebraska, Nevada, Texas, Georgia, Maryland, New Hampshire, Florida, Connecticut, Virginia, Vermont, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, South Carolina, Idaho, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Missouri.
This chart represents the range and distribution that carriers are charging per $100 of payroll for businesses similar to Specialized Bicycle Components Holdings, Inc.. This can give you an idea of what carriers might best fit your business.
Enter the State, Mod, and Payroll for each employee class to get premium estimates from the top carriers writing that class of business
Carriers are sorted by number of accounts in that class of business.
These are points that might help guide an agent as they look to approach a prospect.
We measure relative change (when a business chooses a different WC provider), and market share distribution over a rolling 24 months as compared to it's industry and state level activity to determine how competitive carriers are for your class of business.
Most employers with 10 or more employees are required to maintain injury and illness records, known as the 300 log. In the event of an inspection, this information will likely be requested. Even without injury or claim, the proper documentation should be readily available on a location by location basis. These logs are critical but simple to maintain.
Our market intelligence, prospecting database, and software can streamline your new business process. This listings contains: Policy Renewal DateClass CodeSIC CodeMultiple LocationsMulti StateCarrier TenureRevenueEmployeesContact EmailContact PhoneLinkedinWebsiteOSHABenefitsDOTFEINCoverage History
Our data provides an unparalleled view into the commercial insurance market across the US. Examples include:
We will utilize our unique insights into the business insurance market to find up to three appropriate carriers and agents, and will put them in contact with you to provide a quote.
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