Insurance Xdate > Reports > LA > 320 Hammond Highway Llc Feid 72-6029232 Eff 3/29/12
Commercial Insurance Overview
320 Hammond Highway Llc Feid 72-6029232 Eff 3/29/12 is based in Jefferson county in Louisiana. They operate in the Finance/Ins/RE industry, specifically in Real Estate Agents and Managers, which is a low risk industry. It is worth putting effort into risk management to be able to leave the Assigned Risk pool.
Having been with their current carrier for only one year, they are either a new company, or a new listing in our database. We have coverage data for them in a single state.
Premium Comparison
This chart represents the range and distribution that carriers are charging per $100 of payroll for businesses similar to 320 Hammond Highway Llc Feid 72-6029232 Eff 3/29/12. This can give you an idea of what carriers might best fit your business.
$1.70 4464 Businesses | ||
$2.01 27% 3878 Businesses 2783 | ||
$2.02 3760 Businesses 2302 | ||
$1.60 3294 Businesses | ||
$2.34 117% 3072 Businesses 1915 | ||
$1.52 2166 Businesses 1313 | ||
$1.20 2020 Businesses | ||
$1.85 1462 Businesses | ||
$1.19 49% 1174 Businesses 741 | ||
$2.18 8% 922 Businesses 578 |
Market Comparison for 320 Hammond Highway Llc Feid 72-6029232 Eff 3/29/12
For the Agent
These are points that might help guide an agent as they look to approach a prospect.
- A break in policy terms may indicate inconsistent work load which can result in substandard employment.
Market Competitiveness
We measure relative change (when a business chooses a different WC provider), and market share distribution over a rolling 24 months as compared to it's industry and state level activity to determine how competitive carriers are for your class of business.
- 8% of peers have changed carriers since last year.
- Current Carrier's market share is in the 95th percentile at 15.2% of the market.
Business Owners
- We don't sell insurance. Our market intelligence allows us to find the ideal commercial insurance partner.
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- Get a Quote from a real agent, guided by our market insights.
Our market intelligence, prospecting database, and software can streamline your new business process. This listings contains:
Carriers & Underwriters
Our data provides an unparalleled view into the commercial insurance market across the US. Examples include:
- Competitive Account Won/Loss
- Competitive Class distribution
- Appetite Analysis
- Market Share Analysis