Rebars & Mesh Inc is based in Essex county in Massachusetts. They operate in the Manufacturing industry, specifically in Steel Pipe and Tubes, which is a low risk industry. It is worth putting effort into risk management to be able to leave the Assigned Risk pool.
Having been with the same worker's comp carrier for 11 years, it may be wise to shop around. We see commercial coverage for them in 6 states including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont.
An Experience Mod (MOD) is a rate applied to the business. It represents how risky the business is based on past claims. This business has a MOD of... You'll need to join... Which is an excellent rating no matter the industry, and should be able to shop aggressively. The rating based on their claims (MOD) increased by 9% which is not good. It is worth investigating why, and taking action to mitigate risks
This chart represents the range and distribution that carriers are charging per $100 of payroll for businesses similar to Rebars & Mesh Inc. This can give you an idea of what carriers might best fit your business.
Enter the State, Mod, and Payroll for each employee class to get premium estimates from the top carriers writing that class of business
Carriers are sorted by number of accounts in that class of business.
Our market intelligence, prospecting database, and software can streamline your new business process. This listings contains: Policy Renewal DateCurrent CarrierPolicy NumberSIC CodeEx MODMultiple LocationsMulti StateCarrier TenureRevenueEmployeesContact EmailContact PhoneWebsiteOSHABenefitsDOTFEINCoverage History
Our data provides an unparalleled view into the commercial insurance market across the US. Examples include:
We will utilize our unique insights into the business insurance market to find up to three appropriate carriers and agents, and will put them in contact with you to provide a quote.
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