Insurance Xdate > Reports > NJ > Martin, Abbott & Tess Inc

Commercial Insurance Overview

Martin, Abbott & Tess Inc is based in Somerset county in New Jersey. They operate in the Services industry, specifically in Carwashes, which is a low risk industry. It is worth putting effort into risk management to be able to leave the Assigned Risk pool.

Having been with the same worker's comp carrier for 9 years, it may be wise to shop around. We have coverage data for them in a single state.

An Experience Mod (MOD) is a rate applied to the business. It represents how risky the business is based on past claims. This business has a MOD of... You'll need to join... Which is a little high, but really depends on the type of business. The rating based on their claims (MOD) increased by 44% which is not good. It is worth investigating why, and taking action to mitigate risks

Premium Comparison

This chart represents the range and distribution that carriers are charging per $100 of payroll for businesses similar to Martin, Abbott & Tess Inc. This can give you an idea of what carriers might best fit your business.

Erie Ins Grp
Berkshire Hathaway Grp
Hartford Fire & Cas Grp
Travelers Grp
Amtrust Ngh Grp
State Farm Grp
Selective Ins Grp
Markel Corp Grp
Proassurance Corp Grp
Liberty Mut Grp

Market Comparison for Martin, Abbott & Tess Inc

Experience Mod Rating

Mod is an indication of how risky a company is to insure. It is based on a company's claim history.

  • Experience Mod is high. It is in the 97th percentile compared to peers.
  • Mod increased by more than 75% of peers.
Needs Attention

Market Competitiveness

We measure relative change (when a business chooses a different WC provider), and market share distribution over a rolling 24 months as compared to it's industry and state level activity to determine how competitive carriers are for your class of business.

  • 11% of peers have changed carriers since last year.
  • Current Carrier's market share is in the 75th percentile at 8.6% of the market.

Business Owners

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Our market intelligence, prospecting database, and software can streamline your new business process. This listings contains:

Policy Renewal Date
Current Carrier
Policy Number
Class Code
SIC Code
Multi State
Carrier Tenure
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Loss Cost
Coverage History

Carriers & Underwriters

Our data provides an unparalleled view into the commercial insurance market across the US. Examples include:

  • Competitive Account Won/Loss
  • Competitive Class distribution
  • Appetite Analysis
  • Market Share Analysis