New & Improved Class Report Now Available

Published 01-27-2020 into Agent Resources
The Class Report focuses on trends in that prospect’s industry.  Hover over an area to view more details (tool tips). 

Here is a brief summary of each section:


Carrier Grp LCMs – lays out all Carrier Grp’s writing this class of business (ordered by volume) and the available LCM’s for each underwriting company.


LCM Change Over Time aggregates the Average LCM history (line graph), with the Average LCM change (bar graph) and Serial Difference of LCM, which is the net change from the prior term (i.e. if the avg. LCM is 1.50 on 1/1/19 and the avg. LCM is 1.60 on 1/1/20, this represents a serial difference of 0.10).


The upper right corner analyzes LCM information for a one-year snapshot. 


Market Volume – this shows renewals as they occur over time


LCM Buckets – shows volume of accounts grouped by LCM bucket to give you an idea of how the top 15 Carrier Grps are pricing in this prospect’s industry.


The second part is a bit more granular:


LCM and LCM Change provides a snapshot of rate (LCM) changes over the last year.  Is the Carrier increasing or decreasing rate?


The remaining 3 reports are your Carrier standings – retained business, ‘Won’ or new biz, and Lost biz tallies.