Workers Comp Class Code & Rate Lookup

Washington Bus Companies (1407) Class


Class Code


Bus Companies (1407)


1407-00 Bus companies

     Applies to establishments engaged in providing transportation services such as, but not limited to, charter and tour bus, contract school bus, shuttle van, and nonmunicipal, scheduled bus systems. Work contemplated by this classification includes operation of the vehicle and related loading/unloading duties, cleaning, maintenance and ordinary repair of all facilities, equipment, and vehicles, all bus terminal employment except for office personnel. Ticket sellers and dispatchers may be reported separately in classification 4904 provided that they do not handle baggage and that all of the conditions of the standard exception general reporting rules have been met.

     This classification excludes: Municipal transit and bus service provided by a county or taxing district which is to be reported separately in classification 1501; municipal transit and bus service provided by a city or town which is to be reported separately in classification 0803; taxicab companies which are to be reported separately in classification 1401; cabulance and paratransit companies which are to be reported separately in classification 1404; and drivers employed by a limousine company who are to be reported separately in classification 6301.

     Special note: Establishments subject to this classification are to report actual hours worked for each driver. However, the hours are to be capped at 520 hours per driver per quarter.

Temporary Staffing Risk Class 7119

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