Workers Comp Class Code & Rate Lookup

Washington Precision Machined Parts And Products, N.o.c (3405) Class


Class Code


Precision machined parts and products, N.O.C (3405)


3405-02 Precision machined parts and products, N.O.C.: Manufacturing

  Applies to establishments engaged in the manufacture of parts and products not otherwise classified (N.O.C.) of various sizes and metal compositions which are primarily produced with computer numeric controlled (CNC) machinery and equipment and are frequently used by aerospace, aircraft, automotive, medical, and scientific industries.

This classification excludes establishments engaged in the manufacture of hand tools, hardware, or similar parts or products, N.O.C. which are not produced with CNC machinery and equipment. This classification excludes all foundry operations involving the preparation of castings, the pouring of metal, and shake out operations which are to be reported separately in classification 5103.


Temporary Staffing Risk Class 7117 or 7122

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