NAICS Code Lookup

Research and Development in Biotechnology




Research and Development in Biotechnology


This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in conducting biotechnology research and experimental development. Biotechnology research and experimental development involves the study of the use of microorganisms and cellular and biomolecular processes to develop or alter living or non-living materials. This research and development in biotechnology may result in development of new biotechnology processes or in prototypes of new or genetically-altered products that may be reproduced, utilized, or implemented by various industries.


  • Recombinant DNA research and experimental development laboratories
  • DNA technologies (e.g., microarrays) research and experimental development laboratories
  • Cloning research and experimental development laboratories
  • Protein engineering research and experimental development laboratories
  • Nucleic acid chemistry research and experimental development laboratories
  • Nanobiotechnologies research and experimental development laboratories

Alternate NAICS Descriptions

  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or service in botany
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in agriculture
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in bacteriology
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in biology
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in chemical sciences
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in entomology
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in environmental science
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in food science
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in genetics
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in health sciences
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in industrial research
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in the medical sciences
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in the physical sciences
  • Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in the veterinary sciences
  • Cloning research and experimental development laboratories
  • DNA technologies (e.g., microarrays) research and experimental development laboratories
  • Nanobiotechnologies research and experimental development laboratories
  • Nucleic acid chemistry research and experimental development laboratories
  • Protein engineering research and experimental development laboratories
  • Recombinant DNA research and experimental development laboratories

Top Carriers

Hartford Fire & Cas Grp
Chubb Ltd Grp
Travelers Grp
Amtrust Ngh Grp
State Fund

Cross Reference

Find industry codes related to the NAICS Code 541711. This includes General Liability, NAICS, and state and NCCI Class Codes.

General Liability (GL)

46112 Diagnostic Testing Laboratories


8732 Commercial Nonphyal Research

NCCI Class Code

4511 Analytical Laboratories or Assaying--Including Laboratory, Outside Employees, Collectors of Samples, & Drivers

CA Class Code

4512 Biomedical Research Laboratories

DE Class Code

0955 Engineering Consulting Firm

MI Class Code


NJ Class Code


NY Class Code

4511 Analytical Laboratories or Assaying--Including Laboratory, Outside Employees, Collectors of Samples, & Drivers

PA Class Code

0955 Engineering Consulting Firm

TX Class Code

4511 Analytical Laboratories or Assaying--Including Laboratory, Outside Employees, Collectors of Samples, & Drivers

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