Xdate PipeBurst

Manage submission workflows with ease. Organize submissions, tasks, and outcomes across multiple prospects and users.

Exclusive Features

  • Manage submission workflows with ease.
  • Organize submissions, tasks, and outcomes across multiple prospects and users.
  • Automate handoffs between business development, agents, and marketing.

Explore Xdate Products

Critical Data, Workflow Automation, and Management for Agents, Business Development, and Marketing. Increase productivity and simplify your organization by addressing the most significant pain points for any producer and agency.



The best data is nothing without a way to access and interpret it. PipeLine gives the tools and resources to find the right prospects in our Work Comp and Benefits databases.
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Manage submission workflows with ease. Organize submissions, tasks, and outcomes across multiple prospects and users. Automate handoffs between business development, agents, and marketing.
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Loss Runs

One of the most significant pain points in commercial insurance sales. Our systems helps agents generate and manage Loss Run Requests with ease. Critical information is pre-filled on request letters utilizing our extensive commercial insurance database, making loss runs a breeze.
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People Are Talking

"Just wanted to drop you a quick note thanking you for this update. The producers and myself use your database on a daily basis and for multiple hours per day, and this update makes our jobs much easier and allows us to work more efficiently. Thank you!"

Dylan Lomax
Brown & Brown Metro, LLC

"It’s not easy to find prospects that fit within the appetite of what my agency is pursuing for new business. InsuranceXdate gives me the ability to type in the general contractor code, for example, and assign a geographical location and company size, I then get a spreadsheet with every company that falls into those parameters. I now have a call sheet with the name of the owner of the company, the address and phone number, along with other information."

Thomas Burke
Bowen, Miclette & Britt

"I actually do mailings every two weeks or so and your resource is invaluable to me and saves me 15 to 20 hours a month of research I was doing at home. I basically plan to be a subscriber indefinitely as the information I need changes from year to year and I need to stay on top of it."

Phil Rickenbach
NTI Group

From Our Blog

WC Primary Class Code vs. SIC Codes

I always recommend agents to use the Class Code option for industry targeting when it is available, which is good advice about 80% of the time. Some industries get shafted by the class codes though. If your markets want to write office exposures in the traditional sense (BOP policies) then you’re in luck, there’s a lot of them. For example, in CO there are 160k+ active WC policies. A little more than 20k classified 8810 (Clerical Office Emp). But if you have a cyber liability program for software developers, you have a lot of shit to sift through. SIC codes on the other hand will let you drill down to the 7k software development opportunities available.

Related Tab

Not so new, but greatly improved. The new 'Related' tab has been cleaned up to eliminate false-positives due to PEOs, provides better visibility in regards to things like job site operations for contractors and multiple location operation for 4-walled exposures, and is now bridged with the Company Name search. Check out this example!